Apr 25, 2007

Goodbye To The Good Years

Today is the last day I will ever be a resident of Centennial Apartments #328. It's been a hecka good year. Hands down the best roommate situation. Our motto has been "Go big or go home," and we've lived it well. From dressing up as the Spice Girls and dancing in the ward talent show complete with power point presentation in the background to throwing the best 80s party the world has ever known to wearing black apparel and severe buns and reciting Edgar Allen Poe to constructing the Salt Lake Temple out of cheese cubes to the photo shoot to the Sleigh Ride routine to making a pimp suit for Anderson Cooper the cat to...mercy, this has been an awesome year when it comes to being utterly ridiculous. I won't be living with any of them during the Spring/Summer. Goodbye, lovers!

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