Oct 19, 2005

humor, cleaner and china

(originally posted at eclaircie.diaryland.com)

The only thing funnier than making fun of other races is making fun of Helen Keller. I’m sorry if it’s offensive, she’s just a great staple of humor.

So this morning I got half-way through the normal dusting and wiping of tables before I realized that the cleaner I was using was not the nuetral cleaner that I always use at all and instead it was Tough Duty. And suddenly it made sense why the tables had seemed so much dirtier than normal today, because that stuff will take off anything and so there was tons of dirt on my rag. It’s probably good that the tables get some tough cleaning once in a while..but now I’m worried someone will rest their head on their desk today and find that their face comes off, because it really is powerful cleaner.

“I’m sick and tired of hearing how the Holocaust was the most catastrophic event of human history. 6 million people? That’s nothing. Everything the Chinese do is HUGE. Except their houses…very tiny.” –Dr. Murdock

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