Oct 17, 2005


(originally posted at eclaircie.diaryland.com)

I’ve been eating at L&T too much. I’m pretty much addicted. Nothing else even seems like an appealing lunch anymore. It’s just so yummy. It’s pretty healthy too, (hooray vegetables!), so it’s the money that means I can’t eat there every day of my life. Because as wonderful as “pickofthegardenontomatotogo” (I’ve gotten so good at saying this, I challenge any of you to a “pick of the garden on tomato to go” duel, and I promise I’ll win) is….it is much cheaper to just go with a packed peanut butter and jelly sandwich and yogurt. Oh man….peanut butter… mmmmmhehehehe (if you don’t get it, the comment’s not for you and don’t ask).

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