Oct 11, 2005


(originally posted at eclaircie.diaryland.com)

Why is Brittany's house straight out of a movie? It's so cool. This huge farmhouse on a chunk of land with their orchard and grass and fire pit and chicken coop off and around. And all very all-American decorated. And her big family in which all the kids have red hair and look exactly alike.

We went out there and made apple cider (and may I assure you, fresh tastes infinitely better than store-bought) and talked around the fire and had dinner of Navajo tacos (but of course on like the whole wheat fry bread that I'm sure her mother ground the flour for herself). It was so good.

And her little sister Paige (6-ish) is about the cutest thing on the face of the planet. And it was so funny to watch all the boys talking to her.

Zack: So Paige, I hear you have a boyfriend.

And Emilee and I are definitely planning on stealing Paige one of these days. Also, Boots (Paige's cat), who is equally as cute.

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