Oct 10, 2005

Christopher Reeve and Hanging Chads

(originally posted at eclaircie.diaryland.com)

"Don't give up. If you fall off a horse...you just have to get back on and keep riding." "Tell that to Christopher Reeve."

Why are my roommates so cool?

Me and Melanie and Emilee and Christa have started a superhero team officially now. It's called the "Hanging Chad", just because. And when we like change into our costumes and then fly out in awesome poses (well, everyone else gets awesome poses and I of course stand there with my hands in my pockets), the tranformation obviously occurs while doing the dance move, the "Hanging Chad", which I wish there was someway of demonstrating here, because it's great. Melanie is "The Marmot" and has super strength and "Marmy sense". Emilee is "Toeniqua" and can shoot fire, lightning, water, ice, toothpaste, you name it...out of her toes. Christa doesn't have a name yet, she's a recent addition. But her power is communication stuff...she can understand and speak in any language including those of the animals. Also, she has super-persuasive powers. And I actually do get a power, but it's that I can morph into school supplies, so still something ridiculously lame. But hey, if you ever need a three-ring binder, I'm there. And my superhero name is "Andrea Wonnacott" so there you go. And my superhero outfit is just a polo and jeans. I still transform...but it's just from one school outfit to another. But it's all great.

But I guess roommates are a problem occasionally, like the ones that are poachers. Or the ones that make faces at you when you're just trying to have a good bazillion-hour-long Sunday evening phone conversation yet again.

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