Sep 26, 2005

A little lesson for those unfortunate enough not to know

(originally posted at

BYU acronyms that really should be incorporated into mainstream speech, because they are oh so useful:
  • NCMO (pronouced "nicmo")--"Non-Commital Make-Out", as in: "I don't want a boyfriend, I just want a ncmo buddy."
  • DTR--"Define The Relationship", as in: "Listen you've been 'kind of dating' for a month now, you just need to DTR with him."
  • VL--"Virgin Lips", as in: "Well, you don't want to just lose VL status to anyone." "No, you don't understand, I'm probably the only 22 year-old who has never been kissed in the nation."
So next time I say, "I was talking to him and it got kind of DTR-ish" or "Well, it's not like she's VL" or whatever, I don't want any question marks, okay?

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