Mar 15, 2006


(originally posted at

Emilee cut my hair yesterday morning. I’ve been looking at getting at least a trim for a while now, due to damaged and messy-looking ends. However, I was really just thinking trim: an inch-and-a-half-ish. But on a whim, Emilee and I decided to do a lot more. So I’m five or six inches shorter now, and it feels crazy, but I like it. I still have “long hair,” defined as “past the shoulders”. Though I no longer have “really long hair,” defined as “creating the possiblity for one to appear in a movie topless but have things covered enough to get a PG rating.”

The first couple days of getting a hair cut are fun because doing it every day is still an adventure and people notice the change and compliment you.

Despite the proximity in time, the decision to chop my hair had nothing to do with the fact that I had to deal with a recent break-up, though it has provided many a fabulous joke:

“I thought I’d cut my hair just in case the real reason he broke up with me was that he thought my hair was too long, but he was too afraid to say it in case it hurt my feelings, so he just told me he hates me instead.”
“Well, I’ve always said I want long hair for my wedding, but now that I’m single, that day is looking farther away, so I figured, why not?”

Can I just say to the weather, "Quit playing games with my heart!"? If it wants to be spring, then just do it. If it wants to stay winter, fine, do it. This flirting with the issue is not good for me, though. And makes it impossible to know what to wear. It was snowing again this morning. Ridiculous.

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