Nov 11, 2005

What makes the red man red?

(originally posted at

There’s some sort of Native American something going on in front of the wilk today. They were selling Navajo tacos, which were so tempting, but let’s recall that my birthday is in a few days and I’ll get Navajo tacos then (because they are my favorite food and I have nice roommates). Must hold on…okay, so if they’re still out there when I get off work, I’m totally buying one.

And they had a hoop dancer, which makes me laugh my face off, just because my dad used to hoop dance. And still thinks that he can. And tries to show off whenever we have like hula hoops around (though it’s a huge disaster, he says because they are too big, we say because he doesn’t know what he’s doing which just makes him try harder and it’s just one glorious fiasco).

Also, it reminded me of the scavenger hunt we had last year when one of the teams got really into it and painted themselves as well as their team banner. And at one point went galloping through the wilk with war paint on and yelling and the dean of students himself came up to them: “You are being sooo disrespectful” Turns out there was a Native American convention going on there that day…

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