Oct 30, 2007


Across the world of blogging, I'm sure there are plenty posts with this title and message. "I can't fall asleep." This is very rarely a problem for me. I take pride in my ability to fall asleep whenever and wherever I desire. So, while many of you have this problem every night and it's not really that big of a deal, I just need a moment to complain.

I woke up at 4am and haven't even felt tired since. I know I'm short on sleep and will be tired all day if I don't go back to sleep, but I don't think it's going to happen. I've gone to the bathroom three times in the last hour-and-a-half for lack of anything to do. And made fliers for the Halloween party to distribute to the ward so I could feel productive. I just want to sleep. I don't wake up until 7:30 most mornings, and I'm generally not feeling ready to be up at that time. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Update: It is now 7am. There's no use in going back to sleep at this point. I'm really glad I have this party to plan, or I'd have nothing to keep me entertained these lonely hours. But instead, it's been quite productive. I have a shopping list made (including, but not limited to: crepe paper, coconut, afro wig), a playlist started (it'll still take plenty of refining, I can't do much with my roommate asleep, but it's good to have that at least begun), and emails sent out to people that really ought to attend, but either haven't responded through facebook or aren't on facebook.

7:20 -- First person to email me a copy of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" wins a prize. Though I have an extensive Michael Jackson collection, I somehow don't have that song. I'm just as surprised as you are.


Trev said...

Done! I lost the last contest, but I think I've got this one in the bag. Yesss!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, if you buy a can of sweetened condensed milk and apples i will supply everything else for the carmel dip...

Andrea said...

Sweetened condensed milk and apples are now added to the list. I love your caramel dip.