Nov 28, 2005


(originally posted at
  • Country dancing...could be fun, could be a disaster. I guess we'll see.
  • I accidentally slept through my evening class today. I think I'm going to have to make a rule for myself: no naps on Wednesday and Tuesday afternoons.
  • Sons of Provo...when does that come out on video? And I'm not going to lie, there are three different posters/pictures of those guys in this bedroom. Though, it's really the soundtrack that's worth the movie. I still die of laughter like everytime. Favorite: "Diddly Wack-Mack Mormon Daddy" ("all my peeps will be conformin' cause it's cool to be a Mormon. I'm a black jack say no to crack daddio..."). Though a close second is "Love Me, But Don't Show Me" ("these two weeks together have been the sweetest of my life, my heart's prayer was answered when you agreed to be my wife" "after each date with you I fight with all my might, to treat you like a gentleman and shake your hand goodnight"). If you're confused, meaning you don't live in's a mockumentary on a Mormon boy band, and the funniest movie since "Single's Ward." Though I also am a huge fan of "The R.M." I realize these movies are the epitome of stupid. But, I mean, what's funnier than Mormons?
  • I went shopping this weekend. The goal was dark brown dress shoes. So, naturally, I came home with two new sweaters and three new tanks and no shoes.

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